Ode to My Mother

Ode to My Mother

Ode to My Mother To start with thanks or gratitude for everything you helped me accomplish is not enough. Extending my vocabulary wouldn’t help. I need to access more feelings, emotions to truly tell you how much you’ve positively impacted my life. You didn’t mold me...
Merrel Presents: Mi MAMA

Merrel Presents: Mi MAMA

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all you extraordinary mothers and grandmothers. Nadia Mercado thought she was different from her mother, an immigrant who worked as a house keeper with an American family. Nadia is a skydiver, a runner, a climber, and a cardiac nurse that...
The Wild in Me: Helen Mort

The Wild in Me: Helen Mort

Nature poet Helen Mort likes to take her poetry out for a walk or run. Taking each line into the wilderness where it was first created. Helen finds that being outside is what sparks the creativity in...