Silvia Mittermuller picked up her first snowboard in 1997 and hasn’t looked back since. Not only has she been in this shred-trance that has taken over many of our dreams, but Silvia has gotten a taste of everything snowboarding. Park, pow and pipe is just another day on the snow to this shredder.

VNTRbirds remembers watching your video parts when we were younger, how long have you been in the shred game?

For a long time, first time I touched a snowboard was 1997.  So yeah, it´s been a while…

Coming from Germany, where do you call home-base now?

I spend as much time in Breckenridge, CO as I can and by now I actually feel at home there. Munich is still where I am originally from and my family is there, but my snowboarding home is Breckenridge.

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On your website, it says, “She has grown into a very well-rounded rider, able to take it from the pipe and park to the pow with ease”, which of these do you claim as your favorite?

Park! I know some people see it as a sin to say park over pow, but it’s just so much easier to find a decent park than a decent pow day in good terrain. Also I love how there are 2048593020 tricks to do in the park and you will never be able to do all of them, everyday you can challenge yourself with something new. I enjoy pipe as well, but I will never get as much airtime.

What events have you or are you planning to do this 2013 season?

I started my season in NZ and Australia with the Burton high fives (got last), the Mile High (won) and StyleWars (won). In December I did the Dew Tour in Breck and later, the first World Cup in Copper Mountain (last). Next are Euro Open and then the Sochi World Cup which is a test event for the Olympics. In the end I just want to get my Olympic start spot done.

Any special travel plans, or filming going along with the contest scene?

Special travel plans – first time in Russia this winter! And I want to go back to Australia in the summer. Filming? Unfortunately, not officially: it’s not easy to get into a video project when you spend most your winter competing.


What made you start your own website?

It was first a friend who said I need one and he could make me one. So he started with it, and when I first saw it I thought “not great but whatever it’s ok”. Another friend who is quite the computer wizard then asked me about it and I showed him what we already had and he said “before you have a website like that, you better have no website. I will make you a good one”. So he made me a good one. I still owe him a bike for it. But he got himself a bike now. Well I owe him something.

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VNTRbirds always have a trick list written out in the beginning of the season to really push ourselves throughout the cold months. Do you have a list for yourself?

I don’t write them down, but I know what I am missing in my trick repertoire. For example I have always felt comfortable spinning frontside and switch backside. I would do normal BS 180’s and 360’s if I had to, but I never could do BS 540’s. This winter I finally put a little more effort into it and I understood BS 540’s. They had been missing for a long time.

Outside of snowboarding, do you have any other talents that you enjoy?

I love playing piano and am a member of the 50 mile swim club in Breck. Actually, I am very close to 150 miles… 140 right now I think.

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What else?

I used to dance 10 years of classical ballet, but by now that’s done. And I like chess. Speak 3 ½ languages. (Spanish only counts for ½). I really can´t draw and I am a terrible runner. I love cats. Am I missing the question?

Who do you currently ride for?

Ride Snowboards &Outerwear, Oakley, Vans, Planet Sports, TSG, Elm, Breckenridge Resort and Purl.

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Anything else you want to tell VNTRbirds?

Because you asked me about the website, I have a hard time keeping it updated. If anyone is curious what I do, the best way to keep up with what’s happening is my Facebook athlete profile.

Do just that and see what Silvia’s up to on her Twitter or Facebook!

