Ode to My Mother
To start with thanks or gratitude for everything you helped me accomplish is not enough. Extending my vocabulary wouldn’t help. I need to access more feelings, emotions to truly tell you how much you’ve positively impacted my life. You didn’t mold me into the woman I am today, yet you found endless ways to encourage me to discover myself, a true, unquestioned and whole person. You introduced me to the creative, turning over words into stories like the stones we would search out to skip across the lake. Your tireless patience showed boundless love as I grew along side your Irises, your Japanese Maple tree and your garden of colors and earthly scent.
You found a way to toughened me up from a far as you let me explore alongside the boys. Barefoot and dirty, not coming back until I caught a bullfrog or snake, or darkness took hold of the day and you’d ring the dinner bell to call us home. You helped me define that there are no barriers for what I would bring to the world. Together we’ve climbed mountains, slept beneath the stars, read literature, travelled out of our comfort zones, voiced our opinions and continually pushed for more.
You split your love among three children equally and with ease. You brought us together to show we always had someone to turn to even if it wasn’t you. Your praise has been heard and internalized. Your words have been inspiration to all who share your company and your strong demeanor has passed on a strong sense of determination.
Mom, you have influenced so much of the woman I am today as I know your own mother did for you. The mother who helped load up the car for expansive road trips and passionately used her imagination. Grandma’s love for you was unconditional as yours is for me.
Thank you.