Wilderness First Aid and Companion Rescue Course
VNTRbirds and Desert Mountain Medicine have come together to offer 2 courses that go hand in hand in the backcountry. AIARE Companion Rescue and Wilderness First Aid for Winter Backcountry Users.
VNTRbirds and Desert Mountain Medicine have come together to offer 2 courses that go hand in hand in the backcountry. AIARE Companion Rescue and Wilderness First Aid for Winter Backcountry Users.
Venture Out Backcountry Festival combines touring with friends, educational workshops & camping next to the fire at Bluebird Backcountry. From Friday, March 3rd through Sunday, March 5th, VNTRbirds brings you days out on the skin track, scavenger hunts, relay races, instructor taught workshops and a bit of howling at the moon around the campfire.
VNTRbirds isn’t just about outdoor education, it’s also about community. Once a month VNTRbirds hosts GOOD VIBES RIDE DAY, a free women’s meet up to ski or snowboard with a group of awesome and like-minded women at a different resort each month. Come out to meet new friends, explore new mountains, progress your skills and have fun! This month's resort is Steamboat.
Looking for guidance on trip planning and choosing the right terrain? Maybe you want to find a crew of like-minded women to explore the backcountry with. Come join VNTRbirds for our Navigation Basics and enjoy a day on the skin track.