A lot of the time while we are adventuring, we encourage zoning out and clearing your mind. But the Atacama Desert is a different story, this terrain makes you pay close attention. Osprey athlete, Lorraine Blancher, travels to South America and hops on her bike to follow the trails on the border of Argentina and Chile.

It wasn’t the easiest excursion to get there as she ran into border closures and other such complications. Once on her bike, even in the extra dry environment, she charges through the desert’s beauty on an incredible multi-day bike packing trip filming the whole way creating: Beyond Trails: Atacama.


Beyond Trails Atacama from Osprey Packs on Vimeo.

“Every new trail you travel, on or off the beaten path, brings uncertainty. Riding bikes in a place like this forces you to pay attention to the terrain and listen closely to suggestions on how to move through it. Instead of success and failure, you come to think in terms of adaptation and forward motion.”