Seeing as we are only going to be in the United States for one more day, Jaime and I wanted keep up the hype! VNTRbirds now has a few more subscribers and we ask that you tell your friends to join in on our adventures and to also TUBscribe! We are also planning on making a few shirt designs for TUB and they will be up on the site and for sale soon, so make sure you keep an eye out for them!

One would think that packing and planning for a trip would be so simple because it’s so exciting! Well, TUB quickly found out that even though you are 5 steps ahead of the game in the beginning – you will fall behind at some point and start to go crazy as you try to catch up again. Getting a visa alone was a 20 page project! Now that we have all of our offical documents (and copies just in case) and figured out our banking (and copies just in case) and everything else (with copies just in case) we can sit back and stand right back up to pack! How does one pack for 4 months? Well, we’re about to find out!

Next time you will be hearing from VNTRbirds we will be living easy on the beaches of the Fiji Islands for 5 days. Naviti Island to be specific! Keep checking in with us, tell your friends and send your support on our comment board!
